Each Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished family heirlooms, these fragrances capture the...
Lucette+Mo's Storybook
At Lucette+Mo, our candles and fine fragrances are more than just scents—they are stories. Our inspiration comes from a deep, enduring love, one that was lived by our grandparents, Lucette...
Joyeux Noël – Warm, Festive, and Inviting IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain...
Wishes Granted – Mystical, Enchanting, and Grounding IntroductionAt Lucette & Mo, every fragrance is a story—a journey through time and emotion. Wishes Granted encapsulates the magic of dreams fulfilled and...
Silverlining – Fresh, Clean, and Uplifting IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters...
Stargazing – Warm, Sweet, and Indulgent IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain...
Revelry – Vibrant, Effervescent, and Joyful IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished...
Each Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished family heirlooms, these fragrances capture the...
Hideaway – Tranquil, Tropical, and Warm IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished...
Adrift – Fresh, Crisp, and Clean IntroductionAt Lucette & Mo, every fragrance is a story—a journey through time and emotion. Adrift captures the serenity and joy of a day...
Celebration – Warm, Festive, and Inviting IntroductionAt Lucette & Mo, every fragrance is a story—a journey through time and emotion. Celebration captures the enduring joy and magic of a love...
Daydream – Comforting, Floral, and Warm IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished...
Illumination – Warm, Radiant, and Enchanting IntroductionEach Lucette & Mo fragrance is inspired by an imagined love note, drawn from their timeless love story. While their private letters remain cherished...
First Dance – Elegant, Romantic, and Celebratory IntroductionAt Lucette & Mo, every fragrance is a story—a journey through time and emotion. First Dance embodies the enchanting moment of Lucette and...
Escape – Crisp, Refreshing, and Serene IntroductionAt Lucette & Mo, every fragrance is a story—a journey through time and emotion. Escape encapsulates the essence of finding tranquility amidst life’s whirl,...